Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Dreaming a dream

We all have dreams. Some are conscious, some are buried deep in the realm of our sleep. A few we can recall, others disappear into mist of time.

I woke up from a dream
and remember not a thing
just a mere whisper of thought
brushing through my mind
an idea which escapes my grip
and slips into a place of forget
where no mind can seem to visit
as it vanishes into nothingness.

How many of own dreams do we remember? How many of them do we even know of? Where do dreams come from and where do they disappear to?

Many times our daily lives can be seen in the confusing of memories reconstructed in a partial dream, yet so many other times none of the images, the places, the events make the slightest of sense.

Why do we dream? What would it be like to never dream? How do we distinguish between dreams and nightmares? How do we know which is real and which is not?

Our minds are wonderful creative dream-makers, perhaps not meant to be understood.