Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Dreaming a dream

We all have dreams. Some are conscious, some are buried deep in the realm of our sleep. A few we can recall, others disappear into mist of time.

I woke up from a dream
and remember not a thing
just a mere whisper of thought
brushing through my mind
an idea which escapes my grip
and slips into a place of forget
where no mind can seem to visit
as it vanishes into nothingness.

How many of own dreams do we remember? How many of them do we even know of? Where do dreams come from and where do they disappear to?

Many times our daily lives can be seen in the confusing of memories reconstructed in a partial dream, yet so many other times none of the images, the places, the events make the slightest of sense.

Why do we dream? What would it be like to never dream? How do we distinguish between dreams and nightmares? How do we know which is real and which is not?

Our minds are wonderful creative dream-makers, perhaps not meant to be understood.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Reality vs Fantasy

There exists a fine line between reality and fantasy.

Take for example a dream. Although it may not be really happening, it more often than not is about something that has happened or at a place you have been. It is a mix of what is real and what is not. Sometimes we get that feeling of: “Was that real or was I dreaming?”

For people who like to read, there is also another meaning to this. You tend to get lost in the book, so much so that it feels as if you are really a part of it, when you’re not.

Television, movies, computer games, and it goes on. There are so many places and things in this modern world where we can lose ourselves somewhere between reality and fantasy, that it is sometimes difficult to distinguish between the two.

Although it may be nice to occasionally escape this world, we must always try to keep a firm grip on reality and certainty, just to be sure we don’t get lost along the way.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Is nothing something?

I've been thinking about this and it confuses me.

Generally we refer to nothing as not being anything, but then how can there not be anything at all?

When we say 'it' is nothing, it cannot be, because 'it' must be something, so nothing must be something, defined differently.

But still, what if there really is not a thing? Is that possible? Maybe in context.

This is really confusing, whether it is something or not I can't decide.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Aeroplane Aerobatics in my Room

Have you ever noticed how, when a moth circles a light, it goes at unbelievable speed in rapid circular movements?
That moth has only one thing to focus on, one purpose in mind, nothing else matters. That’s kind of astonishing, since we humans try, but never seem to accomplish this.

It’s so difficult to focus on only one thing. The harder you try, the less you seem to get it right. There always seems to be something else demanding our attention, something else we would rather be doing.

One example is in exam or test times. The more you tell yourself to study, the more you think about other things which you would rather be doing.

Were we like the moth, we would have been focused on the task at hand, as long as we didn’t burn our wings or hit our heads.
But since this isn’t the case, we should just try to make the best of our ever wandering minds and be greater than the moth!
A representation of the path of a moth's flight around a light:

Friday, March 28, 2008

Time Machine

Our lives are ruled by time. Who doesn't own some kind of watch or clock? And even if you don't, there are many ways to find out the present time.
We make schedules, appointments and promises according to time and dates.

If we didn't have or use time, things would have been chaotic. Maybe we would then have determined certain "times" according to the rotation of the sun, or the moon, but then, wouldn't that also be time only refered to differently?

Time is essential in this modern world, but it also complicates things tremendously. It keeps us running about, missing all the wonderful, natural things this world has to offer.

Would we have been happier and more content without time? Possibly.

But would this world have been so developted and organized? I don't think so.

Like almost everything in this world, time has it's advantages and disadvantages.

We must just make certain that time doesn't rule our lives, we must stay in control, however difficult it may be. That is the essense for finding peace and contentment in this very busy and time-controlled world.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Racism? One of the world’s many excuses to simplify things. It’s so much easier to associate an entire group of people with some characteristic, rather than to acknowledge that it only apply to certain individuals.

I believe that many of the things we associate with racism, is in fact NOT a case of racism. It’s not any of the following:
- Class
- Education
- Upbringing
- Wealth
- Luck
- Family
- Friends
- Religion
- Language
Not any of the above mentioned are reasons for crime, murder, rape, assault, robbery, mugging. It’s merely an excuse.

The core of it all is MORAL VALUES. We as individuals determine our own moral values and believes. If you have good values you won’t do these terrible things, you won’t harm other people. You will be able to distinguish between right and wrong.
There exists such a FINE LINE BETWEEN RIGHT AND WRONG that many people don’t see it or just don’t care to see.

We as God-created humans, must love and care for each other, irrespective of race, religion, language or class.

GOD IS LOVE and we as HIS CHILDREN must give and share love.

Just imagine a world of peace, without fear, without hatred, and especially without racism.


Phillipians 4:13: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

Nothing is EVER impossible!

My challenge to you: Make friends with people of all races, get to know them, learn about their cultures and believes. Discard ALL racist thoughts and ideas, there WRONG!
And if you don’t want to, YOU are the building block of racism.
If you feel you can’t, tell yourself “I CAN!” until you believe it.
If you think it’s impossible, you haven’t been concentrating.

Live for the truth.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Live for Today

Yesterday it merely a whisper of a thought and a memory which has already blown by and which can never return.
Scary huh?

We must all live for today.
Learn out of the mistakes of yesterday, savour the memories, and build on knowledge and good times. But don’t say “What if…” or “I wish I had…” Just don’t.

Now, this second, is the only time you have and you have to make the very best of it that you can. The very best. And don’t EVER waste a second.

Tomorrow is merely a dream, a hope, a possibility. One can not build a life on tomorrows, it’s unsure, it hasn’t happened.
I don’t say you shouldn’t plan, planning is good. But what I am saying is that if your plans fail or never materialize, don’t get mad, sad or irritated. Because those plans were just a hope, never was it a fact.

God is the only one who can ever be certain about tomorrow, God has got the plans, the blueprints, for the future, no one else.

You never know if you will have a tomorrow, and with that slightly scary thought as motivation, live today as if it’s your last. Not meaning spending all of your money, but meaning making the most of it.
If you want to say something to someone, do it now. If you want to do something, do it now (if the situation allows it).

In conclusion:
Be the best you can be, do the best you can do, make every moment a memory and step deep footprints into tomorrow’s yesterdays.